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"JUST SAY IT WITH YOUR EYES" See it seamlessly!


The clear outer layer of the eye, the cornea, can be harmed by a variety of ailments. These are commonly referred to as “CORNEAL DISEASES”. The cornea may frequently recover naturally following an injury or sickness, but more serious conditions, including infections and degenerative illnesses, need prompt medical intervention. If ignored, the issue can slowly get worse, resulting in blindness and irreversible damage.

It is usually preferable to have children assessed by a pediatric eye expert since eye disorders in children require early identification and appropriate treatment. The child ophthalmology department of Tectona Eye Hospital is equipped with the most modern equipment for diagnosing and treating child eye problems, as well as a full staff of doctors, orthoptists, and optometrists. The most common pediatric conditions include refractive errors, strabismus ( squint ), amblyopia ( lazy eye), childhood cataracts and congenital glaucoma.


Early detection and treatment of vision correction issues are essential. Since childhood is a time of tremendous growth and development, any problems may be fixed right away. We have a skilled team of physicians, orthoptists and optometrists at Tectona Eye Hospital who are able to detect underlying eye conditions and recommend the best course of action to treat them.

While some of the flaws may be corrected with medication, others call for corrective surgery. Surgeons that are knowledgeable and skilled are needed, as are modern tools. Our cutting- edge equipment at Tectona Eye Hospital enables our skilled surgeons to carry out operations precisely and accurately .
