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The most common reason for blindness in the world is a cataract, which is a clouding of the normally clear eye lens. It is challenging to do everyday tasks with cloudy vision brought on by cataract; if the patient’s normal activities are affected, cataract surgery may be necessary. Otherwise greater illumination and spectacles will assist in managing cataracts if the patient is in the early stages.

Tectona’s cataract section is well-equipped to safely and effectively treat any degree of cataract. The greatest care for a cataract patient is guaranteed by the skilled ophthalmologists, surgeons, well- trained personnel, cutting- edge diagnostic equipment, and facilities at TECTONA. Cataracts grow gradually and as they progress they can blind the affected person. In such extreme cases, cataract surgery is the only remedy.


The main sign of a cataract is obscured vision, which becomes worse with time and can result in blindness. Aside from problems seeing at night, cataracts can also cause light sensitivity, a need for strong light for clarity, halos around lights, frequent changes in eyeglass prescription, difficulty reading, fading colour and double vision in one eye. Do not delay in scheduling a through eye examination with one of our ophthalmologist at TECTONA EYE HOSPITAL if you notice any of these symptoms.



The proper technique to identify cataract is a routine ophthalmology checkup. Along with doing an eye exam, the doctor will discuss your medical history and current symptoms, the visual acuity test, slit- lamp examination, retinal examination and applanation tonometry among other examinations.

The only way to remove cataracts when prescription glasses are ineffective is through surgery. Even before cataracts get to that point, you can still get the operation. You can discuss the best timing for your cataract surgery with your ophthalmologist. Spend some time weighing the advantages and disadvantages; postponing surgery won’t harm your recuperation.

The clouded lens is removed during surgery,and a synthetic lens is subsequently placed in its place. This synthetic lens will continue to be …